Growth management strategy to achieve shared prosperity

Anna Kaić
7 min readMay 13, 2021


Hello and welcome to a Medium article that makes me joyful! :) As some of you might know (or may not), I am part of the team which is postulating to became the product management team of Proof of Humanity and UBI.

But let’s take a step back. 🚶

I am Anna and I’m a marketing specialist. Since age 2 I have always been involved in creative activities such as painting walls with my mom’s lipsticks. Since for an adult it’s not very acceptable to destroy the walls of the apartment you are renting, I decided to study marketing and be able to still let my creative soul breathe.

I love my job, and I can’t wait to bring all my knowledge and commitment at the full disposal of Proof of Humanity and UBI.

What is this painting-walls-talent going to do, you may ask? Let’s take a look at it in the following article.

As a growth marketing manager, my responsibilities will be the following:
1️ facilitate the understanding and diffusion of what PoH, UBI, and the goals of the team are
2️ Closing partnerships agreements for both accepting UBI as a payment method and PoH as an identification method for self-sovereign identity providers, privacy solutions, and governance tools.
3️ lead the marketing strategies for product development

1️ Facilitate the understanding and distribution of PoH, UBI and the goals of the PM team

YouTube 🎥

Something that we have already been doing, is tackling the main pain points of the community regarding the registration process. The videos you can take a look at on the Proof of Humanity YouTube channel are:

How to create a wallet in Metamask
How to pronounce the registering phrase for Spanish and Italian native speakers ✅
Submit profile without errors at the lowest cost possible

Other than that, our plan is to continue listening to community pain points and to deliver new content accordingly. The UBI has to be easily accessible by everyone, and having clear video instructions represents one step further towards this goal.
We will also be using the YouTube channel for team’s progress reports on the projects we are currently working on and as a platform where we will be able to clearly explain our needs in AMAs (ask me anything) for the Official Bounty Season. 🤸

The Round table sessions, to which Humberto refers to in his article, will be also held on YouTube as live sessions.

🗝️ Key metrics: number of new subscribers, like — dislike ratio, number of views, views length (for how long are the viewers watching the videos), sharing rate.

📈 KPI: reaching 500 subscribers in the first 3 months.

Twitter 🐦

Keeping people informed about the news on Proof of Humanity and UBI is key, and more than that, giving people a fast and easy way to spread the word about this project represents a step further in reaching as many people as possible with UBI. This is why, an updated Twitter account, with all the news is necessary.
We will make sure to provide interesting, easy to read and engaging content.

However, considering the high level of activity of the followers on Twitter and looking from a professional point of view, a community manager is needed. The role of the community manager is critical since the fast spread of information on a platform like Twitter can be beneficial but also challenging.

To make a community grow, there needs to be a constant presence of someone answering the comments, taking care of possible debates, and reacting fast to questions or rising challenges in the best interest of defending Proof of Humanity to the public eye. The job of a community manager is essential, and therefore we will open a job position through the Bounty program.

🚨 Here you can check the demo of a bounty!

Imagine yourself as a Bounty Hunter. You scroll through all the different bounties, and you find the one you are interested in applying for. You check the requirements, the payment, and the responsibilities. If the bounty resonates with you, you click on apply!
You will be automatically redirected to book an interview with the bounty supervisor.
In case you are
chosen, you will be paid for the bounty according to the bounty’s conditions. You do what you love, and you are paid for it! Sounds great, right?! ;)

🗝️ Key metrics for Twitter: number of new followers, number of likes, number of re-tweets, number of comments

📈 KPI: reaching 4000 followers in the next 3 months.

Instagram 📷

As we said, the key is to make people understand what UBI and Proof of Humanity are. Also, the goal is to gain exposure and in this way be able to target organizations and donors to support Proof of Humanity and UBI. A nice picture says a thousand words so… let’s set Instagram on fire. 🚀

On Instagram we plan to post the following content categories:
👉 FAQ — answers to questions that most frequently appear on UBI and Proof of Humanity
👉 Did you know? — informative content on facts that you might not know such as history of UBI
👉 News — important information for the followers
👉 UBI community — a celebration for the great work and support provided by the volunteers and community members
👉 UBI in the world — showing how people all around the world improved their life by acquiring a universal basic income

As for Twitter, once the number of followers rises, and so does the engagement, a community manager will be needed. The Instagram community manager will be hired by us through the bounty program as well.

🗝️ Key metrics for Instagram: number of new followers, number of likes, reach

📈 KPI: reaching 2000 followers in the first 3 months.

Newsletter 📰

The newsletter will be a key point to keep the community informed about the most recent events. The Newsletter will cover, as said in this article, with video, audio and information, the following topics:

  • new project proposals emerging from the community: new project proposals are fundamental for a project to grow, that is why everyone needs to be informed about new project proposals. These proposals will then be voted and in this way, will get to the execution level.
  • new pain points for the community to solve: to solve a problem, first you need to know you have one. Every pain point is valuable, since once solved, they bring the project forward.
  • progress report: we will be accountable at all times for our work, that’s why the community will be updated regularly on all the activities we do. Also, those taking part to a project, will have to update the community on their progress.
  • open bounties report: all the open bounties will be found in the newsletter. I this way we will ensure that interested community members can apply to them at all times.
  • UBI in the world: all the hard work gets easier if we get inspired by the stories of people who’s lives changed because of Proof of Humanity and UBI. Feel free to send us your story and we will publish it within the newsletter! :)

🗝️ Key metrics for the newsletter: number of subscribers, number of clicks, bounce rate, amount of unsubscribes, time spent reading.

📈 KPI: reaching 3000 subscribers in the first 3 months.

Materials for the Volunteers⚒️

The universal basic income needs to reach those who really need it. These people don’t have access to internet and for sure have never heard about the word “blockchain”. That’s why a team of volunteers, with all the necessary knowledge will be needed.
We will prepare all the necessary materials, in the form of info graphics and videos, to enable the volunteers to register people quickly and effectively . Let’s register those in need, one person at the time!

2️ Closing partnerships agreements for both accepting UBI as a payment method and PoH as an identification method for self-sovereign identity providers, privacy solutions, and governance tools

One of our goals is to close partnerships so that people can use their UBIs as a payment method. The priority will be on partnerships that can better the quality of life of an individual through goods, education, or materials needed for study and work. Partnerships with course platforms such as Udemy Academy, Coursera, Amazon, and Mercado Libre are at the top of our list.

Moreover, I will work on closing agreements to enable Proof of Humanity as an identification method to promote its mass adoption.

3️ Lead the marketing strategies for product development

Since every project will be divided in bounties, I am going to monitor those related to the marketing and communication part. During The Bounty Season, there will be a video explaining exactly what is needed from the Bounty Hunters. They will also have our full support through a Slack channel, enabling them to have guidance on the quality of the deliverables. When a bounty is closed, the evaluation period starts. Depending on the type of bounty (championship or critical), the best delivery will be chosen and rewarded with UBI. The deliverables will then be embedded inside the project.

To read more about The Bounty Season, make sure to check Humberto’s article.

Are you ready to join the movement of the UBI Rebel Alliance? ✌️



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